Continuously opining, intermittently publishing.

Archive for August, 2010


Remembering Holland

13 Comments » | Posted by oshane

Herinnering aan Holland

Denkend aan Holland
zie ik brede rivieren
traag door oneindig
laagland gaan.
rijen ondenkbaar
ijle populieren
als hoge pluimen
aan den einder staan;
en in de geweldige
ruimte verzonken
de boerderijen
verspreid door het land,
boomgroepen, dorpen,
geknotte torens,
kerken en olmen
in een groots verband.
de lucht hangt er laag
en de zone wordt er langzaam
in grijze veelkleurige
dampen gesmoord,
en in alle gewesten
wordt de stem van het water
met zijn eeuwige rampen
gevreesd en gehoord.

Hendrik Marsman


The new academic year is approaching, and this will be my third year in law school. As I was doing my annual reorganization of my academic bookshelf, I came across a book, Starting Off Right in Law School by Carolyn J. Nygren. If I could recommend only one book for first-year law students, it would be this one.

At 117 pages, it is short and pithy, and it contains everything a new law student needs to know about succeeding in law school. Nygren’s method of case reading, note taking, outlining and examination technique has constituted the core of my study practices over the last two years. It is a substantial reason for my success (I am currently second in my class), and has doubtless saved me countless hours that I could have spent over-studying the wrong types of material.

If you are entering law school, buy it and read it.